Thursday 25 August 2016

Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russia)

About University

NSMU was established in 1932 for training medical personnel in the European North of Russia. It currently hosts about 9000 students from 17 countries in 16 faculties and institutes and has a staff of 980, 394 of which are academics – including 80 professors, 250 PhD.
University buildings are provided with up-to-date equipment: computers, films, video aids, and other modern appliances. Training at the modern center of pre-clinical center presented by a plenty of state-of-the-art medical mannequins and equipment is a part and partial of educational program. At all there are 55 departments, 27 of them are clinical ones and situated at the best hospitals of the city. Well equipped clinical base allow training highly qualified specialists of different profiles according to modern requirements of the health care systems. Today NSMU is the main medical training center for six regions of Northern Russia.
More than 100 graduates of NSMU are working abroad (USA, UK, Canada, Israel, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark etc).
  • 22 graduates have the foreign scientific degrees (PhD)
  • About 30 graduates are preparing their PhD now in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Germany
  • The University offers students practical studies and training in Russia and abroad to become doctors, nurses, psychologists, specialists in social work, etc.
  • The graduates are working more than in 20 countries.
  • Number of international students in the NSMU is continuously growing.
  • You can get higher education at the following faculties of the Northern State Medical University:

    International Faculty of General Practitioners
    Pediatrics Faculty Faculty of Social Employees
    Faculty of Dentistry Faculty of Ecology
    Faculty of Ecology Pharmaceutical Faculty
    Faculty of Medical Psychology Faculty of Medical Psychology
    Faculty of Medical Management Institute of Management
    International Exchange Programs Northern State Medical University has good international relations, takes an active part in the work of the medico-ecological program of Barents Region and carries on exchanges of specialists with the leading educational institutions of the world.
    The Northern State Medical university has signed agreements on mutual collaboration with:
  • University of Tromso (Norway)
  • Umea University (Sweden)
  • University of Oslo (Norway)
  • University of Oulu (Finland)
  • Catbolic University of Lublin (Poland)
  • Medical Institute of Polytechnic University in Rovaniemi (Finland)
  • Institute of Health Care, Research and Development in Copenbagen (Denmark)
  • Non-Governmental Childrens Fund "Radda Barnen" (Sweden)
  • Higher School in Kiel, University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
  • Maine Medical Center (USA)
The Northern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has been organized on the basis of the University. This head organization unites the capacity of medical science and co-ordinates medico-ecological research of Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions, Nenets Area and Komi Republic.

Fee of Northern State Medical University

Tuition Fee 1st Year 2nd-6th Year Total Fee
Per Year 5500 USD (357500 INR approx) 4000 $ x 5= 20000 USD (260000 x 5= 1300000 INR approx) 25500 USD(1657500 INR approx)
1 USD=65 INR(approx for calculation)
Fees includes Tuition Fee, Basic Hostel Fee and Medical Insurance.

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